Oppose Fee-For-Parking At Mon Sheong  Richmond Hill LTCC
Executive Committee, Family Council, MSRHLTCC 0

Oppose Fee-For-Parking At Mon Sheong Richmond Hill LTCC

667 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Executive Committee, Family Council, MSRHLTCC 0 Comments
667 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now


To: Stephanie Wong, CEO, Mon Sheong Foundation
c.c.Hon. Deborah Matthews, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
Kim Baker, CEO, Central Local Health Integrated Network (LHIN)
MPPs representing the stakeholders in GTA
Regional Councillors, York Region
Councillors - City of Toronto, City of Markham, Town of Richmond Hill


We FRIENDS OF MON SHEONG, respectfully request Mon Sheong Foundation to revisit its ill-conceived scheme to “regulate traffic” by way of a Pay Parking for Visitors & Volunteers Plan at Mon Sheong Richmond Hill Long Term Care Centre (LTCC).

WHY: Our re WHY our reasons are:

the plan fails to address the root of the problem: INADEQUATE PARKING;the plan restricts, limits and in effect, DISCOURAGES ACCESS to the LTCC;the plan will have a NEGATIVE IMPACT on the well-being of the residents. Reduced visits from loved ones would HARM RESIDENTS' PSYCHOLOGICAL, MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH;the plan is DISRESPECTFUL OF VOLUNTEERS and belittle their contribution to the residents' quality of life;the plan fails to consider its economic impact on many residents and their family members - assuming that such fee is nominal to all LACKS INSIGHT AND COMPASSION - to some elderly pensioners with meager income, even $5 per day would force them to make unpalatable choices.


engage and consult with stakeholders; conduct study by subject experts and present such findings to the community at large;ensure this decision making process is transparent and accountable; for example, both the community and the Ontario Government is entitled to be assured that Mon Sheong Court Richmond Hill, the commercial enterprise at the adjoining lands, does not in any ways, directly or indirectly, affect the operation of the LTCC;an immediate increase of visitor parking allotted spots from 22 to 30.immediate revocation of its decision to Pay Parking for Visitors and Volunteers and undertake to hold moratorium until the conclusion of a long term, viable solution - including development of multi-level parking on vacant land and/or reassign parking at Mon Sheong Court Richmond Hill.

Please sign the petition to demand an immediate revocation of Mon Sheong Foundation's Pay Parking for Visitors & Volunteers Plan.

There is a paper-based version of this petition, please sign only one of the two versions, not both.

Please share this petition, let everyone know, encourage all to sign. Every family members should sign, it is NOT limited to one signature per family.

To contact the Executive Committee of Family Council, please email ec.msrh@yahoo.ca

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Executive Committee, Family Council, MSRHLTCC.


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