2022 Oppose Grant Creek Expo Parkway Rezone (the former gravel pit next to RMEF)

We have reviewed the existing zoning and the second attempt at rezoning of the land in the old gravel pit on Expo Parkway. Again, we favor the development of that land for housing under the existing zoning, with compliance with subdivision regulations. This will yield benefits for our neighborhood and the Missoula community. Rezoning this land to high-density four-story apartments in an effort to avoid subdivision regulations would create safety risks and would not be compatible with Missoula's growth policies and Grant Creek planning.
We the undersigned SUPPORT the existing zoning.
We the undersigned SUPPORT the existing zoning of the quarry that would allow for a maximum of 158 single dwelling units on the north parcel and 344 dwelling units on the south parcel (single, duplex or multi-dwelling residential building types).
~The current zoning fits the character of the existing neighborhood: single-dwelling and multi-dwelling homes and commercial buildings no taller than three stories. Buildings set among large expanses of grass and trees.
~The addition of 502 dwelling units to the approximately 635 residences in Grant Creek north of 1-90 nearly doubles the neighborhood's population, serving the city's need for planned, diverse growth.
~The mixture of single dwelling units and duplex or multi-dwelling residential building types provides a mixture of residential building types and opportunities for home-ownership.
We, the undersigned, OPPOSE the proposed rezone that would allow for a maximum of 1,195 dwelling units on both parcels.
Our concerns with the rezone:
Public Health and Safety
• Increasing traffic hazards on Grant Creek Road: delays at the stop light from most directions, air pollution and crashes.
• Increased challenges for pedestrians crossing Grant Creek Road at Expo Parkway and at Stonebridge Road.
• Further challenges to evacuating the Grant Creek wildland/urban interface during wildfires (one way out).
• Further deterioration of the emergency response times in upper Grant Creek (already exceeding 8 minutes).
Lack of Services for Residents of 1,195 Dwelling Units Permitted Under Application for Rezoning
• No public transit. No separated trail connecting to city trails. New residents will have limited transportation options. Over 2,000 parking spaces, as proposed in the developer's plan, will encourage more driving and likely lead to mounting traffic safety concerns in the area.
• No public playgrounds/parks in Grant Creek. None in the proposed four-story apartment development.
• No public/complete streets in the proposed four-story apartment development.
Character of Neighborhood
• Out-of-character four-story apartments set among impervious parking surfaces with limited trees and grass.
• Proposed four-story apartment development would offer no opportunities for home ownership.
Community-Wide Effects
• Further traffic congestion and safety concerns in the Reserve Street corridor.
• Crowding at Hellgate Elementary with limited safe routes for new residents to walk or bike to school.
• Higher taxes to accommodate increased need for services: streets, transit, trails, schools, parks, fire and related maintenance.
NOTE: If you have already signed a petition opposing this rezone, you do not need to sign again on ipetition (you may sign/comment on both if you'd like). However, please encourage other voting members of your household to have a voice by signing this petition.
For more information on this petition and the Friends of Grant Creek please visit https://www.friendsofgrantcreek.org/