Don Fox 0

Oppose Karen Almond for Seminole County School Board 2018

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Oppose Karen Almond for Seminole County School Board 2018.

Karen Almond acts in contempt of The Seminole County School Policies, Of Florida School Choice Laws, Of the Constituents she serves and Parents of the Children of Seminole County Schools.

Please help parents restore a representative Body to the School Board.

Show of support and pass the word on is a small thing that makes a big difference.

..........More Info ..........

Karen Almond helped create and then implement the wildly drawn school zones for the Longwood Rezone.

The Longwood Rezone is in direct violation of 5 out of 9 of the School Boards own Policy 5.31 directives for rezoning.

As part of this plan she is planning to circumvent the Florida School Choice Law by reducing capacity of the district schools for the next school year thereby preventing parents from continuing in the same school if they wish.

Parents pleaded with the 5 Member School Board to at least honor the new School Choice Law and allow the parents children that wanted to continue at the same school stay.

Karen said "It may make your life a little bit tougher. I apologize for that. It's part of the process,"

Why not Karen? After all the School Board is reducing student count in all the effected schools.

Karen Almond acts in contempt of The Seminole County School Policies, Of Florida School Choice Laws, Of the Constituents she serves and Parents of the Children of Seminole County Schools.

Every "Like" and a "Share" will go a long way. We will not be blasting this page with announcements so please Share Share Share for Parents of Seminole County.

The parents need to replace Seminole School Board District Seats; District 1 Jeff Bauer, District 2 Karen Almond and District 5 Tina Calderone.

With the replacement of any two we will have the beginnings of a new School Board that is a representative of its constituents.

Abby Sanchez is newly elected on the board and was the only Board member to listen to the parents during the Longwood Rezone and Voted No.

Starting the next School Year when the newly enacted School Choice Law goes into effect. Seminole county will have completed the reduction of all the schools to "at Capacity".

The School Board said that the only School Choice transfers (staying at the same school after the rezone) allowed would be for students representing diversity.

You can see Policy 5,31 below, they violated items 2,3,4,7 & 8

read Seminole County Schools Policy Sec. 5.31,3D

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