Oppose the 4am Bar NO call law.....
Anonymous Chick Viewer 0

Oppose the 4am Bar NO call law.....

Anonymous Chick Viewer 0 Comments
10 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dear U.S.Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, U.S. Demorcrats, U.S Republications,
U.S. State Senate, , Riverside City Council, LA city Council, Long beach City Council, Attorney General, District Attorney in riverside, OC District attorney, Federal Prosecutor's etc.,
I am asking to remain anonymous including my identity, email for my right to privacy. NO media outlet cannot ask for my email address or my identity period they have to respect my privacy. I am asking you all to veto this extended bar hour 4am law state bill 58.
I do not want this law ever to come up to again even in the future if they try to bring this back up reject it. How some serious common sense? This is extended bar 4am law is NOT a good thing you are putting dangerous drunk drivers out on the roads and this is NOT good for our economy.
I am opposing this extended bar hour law til 4am and the reason is because I have lost a cousin I barely in remember to a drunk driver in 2008 its been 14 years and it was a repeat offender in the state of Colorado Every time I hear on the news that an innocent person who is killed or seriously injured by a drunk driver even if it's a repeat repeat offender have to walk away from the Television set even when an innocent CHP officer in Riverside who was just doing his job and was killed by a repeat offender. YOU have a very dangerous state senator named scott weiner shouldn't even be in office period he is putting more dangerous drunk drivers out on the roads and will end up hurting and killing innocent people. I am asking you to force him to resign as state senator and he cannot run for any type of political office across this country like Governor, president, Vice president, L. Governor, mayor , city council men etc. I'd rather see more stricter DUI laws and more DUI check points across the U.S to put into federal law or state laws. No one can repeal this petition or sue the petitioner or take this person to any higher court. He cannot discuss this matter to the media or tell his story or go on public television, he cannot go on his social media pages. He will have to deactivate all his accounts and his website! Scott wiener is a dangerous senator needs to be recalled from office and cannot run for any type of office period for the rest of his life..... He cannot run for governor, DA, senate, President, Vice president or any where in the U.S. or outside the U.S. He cannot run for Judge or anything with politices or laws.

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