Opt-Out Provision for RU-Pass
Hello! My name is Jonathan Dylan Bradley, and I am a second-year journalism student at Ryerson University.
Ryerson students voted in favour of the RU-Pass on Thursday.
Out of the 16,331 votes submitted, 10,158 students voted for the RU-Pass while 6,079 students voted against it. The referendum had an overall voter turnout of 42.8%
Students will have to pay an additional $564 per year for the RU-Pass, which will be added onto tuition with no opt-out provision. Everyone must pay.
The RU-Pass pretty much benefits students who only use the TTC to travel to Ryerson. It does not take into account that there are several students at Ryerson who do not take just the TTC to travel to school.
There are students at Ryerson who will not benefit from the RU-Pass. Ryerson should have an opt-out provision for the RU-Pass, as it is wrong to force a service on students who do not need it. It was not clearly communicated on how the RU-Pass would work.
Ryerson has multiple students commuting from outside Toronto, international students, students living on residence, and students with families struggling to pay their tuition that the RU-Pass does not apply to.
It would be right of Ryerson to implement an RU-Pass that students can opt out of, as there are definitely those who do not want to spend more money on tuition. It does not reflect what students want. Students should be offered a choice.
Please sign this petition if you agree. Include your full name name (First and last to allow me to provide validity) and Ryerson email. I am hoping that this petition can motivate Ryerson to resolve this matter. I should have an option if I want to pay for an RU-Pass, and I hope you agree.
Update 1: Thank you to everyone who has signed the petition so far. I have sent the petition and a letter of complaint to the Board Secretariat. A colleague who has started another petition and I are going to be holding a rally on Tuesday to provide some fairness with the RU-Pass. Location and time to be determined. Please keep looking at this petition for updates.
Update 2: The location and time of the rally requesting a revote on the RU-Pass will be Tuesday, Nov. 13 from 2:30-4:00pm at the intersection of Victoria and Gould streets. Please come out if you are angered by the unfair vote with the RU-Pass. Bring protest signs, air horns, and any other protest materials you feel are necessary.