Thor Unknown

Option to Remove Vette Shock Collar

Thor Unknown
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Hey all,
I know this is not an important cause, but I felt like doing this.
I want to start by saying that I love SWTOR and I am grateful to EA and BioWare for making a game that allows me to virtually live in the Star Wars Universe!
I play SWTOR now for almost 2 years and one of my favourite classes is the Sith Warrior, but there's one thing that really bothers me,Vette's shock collar bug!
I choose to remove it as soon as the opportunity came, but it still displays if I am not wearing head gear, without a customization skin, or even with "hide head slot" on.
It will not show on companion conversations, but will show during all other conversations and during game play.
I know some players want to keep it and that's fine, but for the ones that choose to remove it is annoying.
I personally and many other players, like our characters and their crew to look the part! That's why this there are customizations, moddable armour, adaptive armour, dyes and so on...
Personally my favourite Vette skin is the default one and having to resort equipping a different one to sort this issue is not an optimal solution.
I would like that, either the shock collar would no longer display if we choose to remove it, or, if that is not possible because the way things are implemented, to have an option to hide or show it near the "hide head slot" option.

I don't ask anyone to sign this petition with real name, just the name of your main character, or main Sith Warrior character and server you play should be enough to verify the claim is legit.
Please don't cheat the system by putting all your characters names, I am doing this because I believe a significant number of people will back me up and I have no reason to cheat.

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