Journalists please leave Rixos Hotel in Tripoli
To: Western Media Organisations The Libyan woman, Eman al Obeidi, was agressed by the staff of the Hotel Rixos al Nasr in Tripoli on 26th March 2011 when she was trying to denounce a multiple rape by Gaddafi militiamen after being arrested in a check-point in Tripoli. Al Obeidi was talking to the international Press when she was agressed by the staff of the hotel and by thugs. One of the journalists who tried to stop the thughs was beaten, another one pointed with a gun and some cameras were broken. Before she was violently removed by the staff of the hotel, put in a government car and disappear, al Obeidi told the Press that she was raped by 15 men during two days. The militiamen urinated and defecated on her, too. Those are her allegations. Most of the International media journalists in Tripoli are staying at that hotel wich costs 450 euros a single room per night. Some have been there for weeks. Besides suffering a "the facto" house arrest situation, no freedom of movements to double check the informations provided by the Regime and absolute no access to civilians, the journalists at Rixos hotel have been agressed, even, at that very fancy hotel. Please sign this petition to obtain that all Western journalists at the Rixos leave the hotel. CNN, BBC, SKYNEWS, FRANCE 2, Al JAZEERA and others can't no longer stay there after what happened to Eman al Obeidi. Sign this petition and we will send it to all the Media organisations with journalists currently booked at the hotel. Sincerely,