Oyster card system for the whole UK
The oyster card system used on London Transports buses and trains is simple, efficient a punter friendly. Public transport MUST improve if people are ever going to consider leavin their cars at home. Outside London is particularly primitive and hugely expense if running a car is still the cheaper option! Also, across the Midlands, for instance you HAVE to have the correct change! If your visiting the area how can you know how much Then everyone getting on it's the whole where to how much malarkay, dragging out the journey still further. The oyster card is be used across London on buses and trains, it's topped up not unlike pay-as-you-go phone credit, board the bus, scan, and a standard fare is deducted, a small display shows your remaining credit. No fuss, no delays. Credit doesnt have a life span so if you've topped up for the month it does not lose its value, or run out. The point has been raised regardin the big brother effect - "they'll know our every movement" - thats a valid point, and i'd like to address it. The fact is, that we all use credit cards, mobile phones, store loyalty cards, the internet... IF 'They' wanted to follow our every move, they probably could. That's fact. If, however, i did not want my tracks visible, for whatever reason, then use cash or paper tickets (watch out for the CCTV tho). The Oyster card would show where/when you boarded a train and how often, but not how long u sat on a platform or your choice of destination. I've never warmed to George Orwell's '1984' vision - but on a level it's all round us! It's part of our lives, and frankly it has advantages. Crime and terrorism and even proving someones innocence on occasion! The fact remains that something has to be done NOW to make our bus's and trains less unapealing and i am absolutely commited to making this happen.