Pacific Crest-No To Apartments

Like many of you I value the neighborhood we have all helped to create, and like many of you I have worked very hard to purchase a home here. Currently there are talks by the city of putting in low income housing near our homes.
I feel it’s not in the neighborhoods best interest to introduce apartments into the area as we are already surrounded by plenty of them. I want to keep the value of my home high, and like many of you want to keep traffic down, trash, and noise pollution to a minimum.
I don’t know if anyone has seen the effects the more recent apartments have had, but there is more often than not street racing and copious amounts of trash due to this. Unfortunately because those that live in the apartments are not long time residents like us so they don’t have the same investments in the community.
Please sign the petition so we can keep the value of our homes high and lower traffic in the neighborhood.