pagan holiday recognition
for the government recognition of the following pagan holidays, are as follows: Beltane: May 1st Imbolc: February 2nd Lammas: August 1st Mabon: September 20th-23rd, depending on which day the fall equinox falls upon for that year Litha: June 20th-23rd, depending on which day the summer solstice falls upon for that year Ostara: March 20th-23rd, depending on which day the spring equinox falls upon for that year Samhain: October 31st Yule: December 20th-23rd, depending on which day the winter soltice falls upon for that year The reasoning for this is due to the fact that these holidays have been the basis for many holidays that other faiths may currently be celebrating. Once completed, I will be submitting this to Washington, D.C., in person, to see it formally documented.