Palm Springs - freedom to choose!
We, the undersigned residents of Palm Springs, California and neighboring cities, believe the Palm Springs City Council has overstepped its authority in mandating face coverings and proof of vaccination in order to enter a business.
We believe in personal freedom, and we believe that business owners should have the right to require face coverings and proof of vaccination to enter their establishments if they so choose. We also believe the city does not have a compelling reason to mandate these drastic measures restricting personal freedom and privacy, and requiring businesses and consumers comply, especially given that the Covid fatality rate in Riverside County remains at the same level as when the state mask mandate was lifted on June 15.
Business owners, their employees, and consumers are individual people with individual rights, including the right to make choices regarding our bodies, our health, and our privacy.
Furthermore, this mandate will drive consumers to take their business away from Palm Springs, harming businesses that have already suffered so much during the lockdowns and reducing tax revenues vital for city services.
For this reason, we demand the City Council end the mask/vaccine mandate, and instead put in place rules that allow the businesses which want to do business under these conditions to do so, but that also allow those that do not wish to follow these rules to do the same. Consumers who are adamant about masks and vaccines should continue to have safe havens to serve them, while those of us who feel otherwise should be allowed to conduct business under the conditions we feel are safe.
- Palm Springs Civic Action