Parents' Petition for Peekaboo Kindergarten Administration and Board Accountability
David Perry 0

Parents' Petition for Peekaboo Kindergarten Administration and Board Accountability

116 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
David Perry 0 Comments
116 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

In light of numerous alarming events including and especially the recent MAJOR SAFETY HAZARD WHICH DIRECTLY ENDANGERED OUR CHILDREN and which was created by the Peekaboo Board and Administration's decision to allow construction to take place on the campus without informing parents, we, the parents of Peekaboo, sign this petition in support of the formation of parents committees representing all Peekaboo classes. Committees shall meet on a regular basis with Administrators and Board representatives regarding all decisions that affect 1) OUR CHILDREN'S SAFETY AND HEALTH; 2) THE QUALITY OF THEIR EDUCATION; and 3) THE VALUE (COST) of the services being provided by the school. Committees shall also oversee on behalf of parents and their children the ACCURACY, TIMELINESS, AND COMPLETENESS OF ALL COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION provided by the appropriate Peekaboo Administrators, Board representatives, and faculty. Committee members shall be elected by parents for each class and report to those parents. We also understand that a representative of the Board has agreed on the record to all of the above, and sign our names to show that we expect the Board and Administration of Peekaboo to make good on their promises so we may all build a better school together. In addition, we require prompt attention—as promised and not yet delivered—to the following urgent matters: 1) Clear and plan and timeline for construction and renovation with guarantee that construction is supervised by qualified third party company to ensure safety; 2) Clear and precise information regarding the classrooms and plans for classes in fall semester of 2013 - Class sizes - Ratio of teachers and assistants to students - Status of teacher contract negotiations (teachers confirmed for fall) - Safety of materials used for class renovations (including parent committee right to obtain third-party testing for safety and quality of renovation, construction, materials used); 3) Clear and complete table of fees applicable for 2013/2014 school year - Full explanation of reason for differences between fees - Full and accurate breakout of how fees are used (i.e., how much for books and materials, how much for food, etc.); 4) Postponement of fee increases until spring semester of 2014; 5) Details of academic program for 2013/2014 school year for each class and the translated copy of the mandated new guidelines for the teacher; 6) Timely, clear and accurate communication regarding the status of the above issues (if there is a reasonable reason for a delay, all parents should be informed and not kept guessing).

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