Parents Carers and People against SEN delegated funding in Lincolnshire

Many parents and carers of children with Special Educational Needs in Lincolnshire have very little if any faith in the SEN system in Lincolnshire, brought about by a long and drawn out SEN review and the final decision made today by Lincolnshire County Council to delegate funding to schools.'If the Local Authority aims to delegate as much of the SEN budget to schools as possible to give schools more flexibity in making SEN provision, in doing so is the Local Authority also shifting its statutory responsibility onto the schools'? The rushed way in which Lincolnshire Local Authority are aiming to rush this through leaves parents and indeed carers of children with SEN asking the following question "without a good plan and procedure in place which includes adequate training for all are we setting our children up to fail"!
As parents we accept in theory that with the correct plans in place then this could work, however currently with little or no training in place and a system which is failing at present, parental involvement is needed to show that within the county of Lincolnshire 'Every Disabled Child - Does Matter!
The Colour-se7en website also hosts pages of the Lincolnshire county wide parent support group CAPAAS.
CAPAAS are a parent led group and autism support support service. CAPAAS are based in Sleaford at Unit 10 Navigation yard, Carre street, Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 7TW