Uphold the Paril Hilton Jail sentence!
Paris Hilton is an irresponsible young woman who has broken the law numerous times and has eluded jail time because of her name and fame. Her DUI and reckless driving behaviors could have resulted in the DEATH of an innocent pedestrian or motorist. Just ask the members of MADD (mothers against drunk driving) how they feel about drunk drivers. Paris claims she didn't know her license was suspended. But, she was still driving recklessly and speeding. This irresponsible behavior could take away the life of someone's mother, father, child or daughter. Money can not replace the devastatation brought on by loss of a loved one. Because of her money and fame Paris (and her family) seem to think she is exempt from the Ca. laws. Any other person who commited these acts would be going to jail. Paris Hilton should be NO DIFFERENT! Paris has fans petitioning to governor Schwarchenager to pardon her from her jail time. THIS PETITION SEEKS TO PLEAD WITH CALIFORNIA'S GOVERNOR AND THE JUDICIAL/JUSTICE SYSTEM TO UPHOLD PARIS HILTON'S SENTENCE FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1.) TO PROVE THAT MONEY DOES NOT PUT HER (OR ANYONE ELSE) ABOVE THE LAW. 2.) TO TEACH THIS YOUNG LADY AND HER FANS THAT HER BEHAVIOUR IS INAPPROPRIATE, DANGEROUS AND THAT WITH IRRESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR COME CONSEQUENCES! 3.) TO (HOPEFULLY) CURTAIL FUTURE DUI / RECKLESS DRIVING OFFENSES AND IN DOING SO, PREVENT POSSIBLE DEATH, DISMEMBERMENT OR HARM TO AN INNOCENT PARTY OR PARTIES. IF YOU AGREE PLEASE SIGN! DO NOT DELAY! IF OUR LAWS HAVE NO AFFECT AND MONEY AND HIGH POWERED ATTORNEYS CAN BUY / PAY OFF THE JUSTICE SYSTEM AND/OR REPAL A SENTENCE THAT IS WELL WARRANTED, THEN TRULY, OUR LAWS ARE WORTHLESS AND THERE IS NO JUSTICE!