Imprison Paris
TO: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer as well as The City and County of Los Angeles We, the founders of PariSite, make an appeal to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer, and The City and County of Los Angeles on behalf of common sense, desency and justice in regards to Paris Hilton, who was arrested on February 27, 2007 in connection with direct violation of her probation, and sentenced to 45 days in county jail. We simply offer the facts, that Paris Hilton was in violation of her probation, and even if she were unaware that her license was suspended, ignorance of the law is no excuse. She was given several alternative forms of punishment(Community service, house arrest, monetary penalties) for the misdeeds. Which she refused. Sadly, other celebrities have been slapped on the wrists or less for similar violations. And we think that it time to stop such unjust acts. We ask Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to uphold the court\'s decision against Paris Hilton. Others have stated that \"she didn\'t hurt anyone\", but that was only because she and others were lucky. If she and others continue to get away with wreckless behavior like this, it will only result in one thing, someones death. We would hope that the state of California and it\'s courts stand with us in the belief that something should be done before anyone has to lose their life. This is why we put this petition before you. We only ask you make the right decision in this case and in any case concerning a celebrity. Because regardless of their fame, the person they could eventually kill during a drunken joy ride will still be an innocent victim. Sincerely, PariSite