Parkour Parks in Vancouver
Are you craving more outdoor playtime? Let's tell the City of Vancouver how many of us would like an opportunity to practice, learn and teach Parkour outside!
Current playground structures do not accommodate teens and adults. Multi-generational Parkour parks will be invaluable in promoting continued activity beyond elementary school age.
Parkour is multi-generational and highly useful. In the young it teaches crucial risk assessment skills for physical, emotional and critical thinking. In teens and adults it hones these abilities, giving an excellent workout regime and continued physical fitness. In older adults it ensures mobility, flexibility and balance for a long life of activity.
We have parks dedicated to skateboarding, tennis, field sports, bmx, track, etc. Parkour practitioners number in the thousands in Vancouver. It is time for Parkour to get on the Vancouver map!
Please sign our petition and share with friends and family.
Jane Henry