Parkside at Shelby Farms Rezoning - Say NO
(UPDATE 2/11/16 - The closing of Patmore Rd. as a thoroughfare has been taken off the table by the applicant at this time.) These signatures were presented to the Land Use Planning committee on Thursday, February 11, 2016; AND, will be presented to the City Council at a hearing on April 19, 2016 at 3:30 pm (125 N. Main) where the final decision will be made. This has NOT passed the final approval as of yet.
This petition was originally created for the residents in and around the proposed “Parkside at Shelby Farms” development and is now being extended to all lovers of Shelby Farms Park. The owner or soon to be owner of the undeveloped parcels (which, if you are facing the Farm from Whitten Rd., are right of the 3-way stop sign at Whitten and Mullins Station and runs down through the undeveloped section that crosses over Patmore Rd,) Bob Turner and Doug Windham of DB Development, are asking the city to have the area which is currently zoned as R-8 (single family homes,) rezoned for high-rise (up to 9 stories) apartment buildings with commercial businesses on the first 2-3 floors. The installation of traffic signals would be probable to handle the dramatically increased flow of traffic this project would likely bring.
Please sign this petition with your full name and leave personal comments in favor of keeping this community the way it is - single family homes, the Greenline green - and to preserve the pastoral views across Shelby Farms Park. This petition is not about the community being opposed to development, but is about the residents being opposed to the rezoning of a community for personal gain.
Signing this petition shows that you DO NOT support the rezoning of this area.
To access a copy of the final staff report for the Land Use Control Board, use this link.
For more articles and information, please Google “Parkside at Shelby Farms” or visit our Facebook page.
If you wish to reach out to your Mayor and City Council, please use this document for easy links to email addresses.
The residents of the surrounding neighborhoods appreciate your support!
CASE NUMBER: P.D. 15-327
Our case has been assigned to:
Brian Bacchus, Staff Planner with Memphis and Shelby County Office of Planning & Development, 125 North Main Street – Suite 468, Memphis, TN 38103, (901) 576-6619
Our backyards and Shelby Farms Park are being threatened with a high-rise (up to 9 stories) mixed use apartment complex and the developer states in his planner’s application letter that “The plan was tailored to complement the vision of the Shelby Farms Park Conservatory and to SUPPORT THE EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD." The question we ask is, “How does an apartment complex which splits two communities complement it and how does it complement the vision of Shelby Farms?
Everything the developer is offering in the “mixed use” (eateries, coffee shop, etc.) can be found less than two miles away in either direction. He also wants us to believe his project will increase our property value. We know Shelby Farms soon will be (if it’s not already) one of the major attractions for the City of Memphis. How could it possibly be complementary to Shelby Farms and the Greenline to live in the shadows of several high-rise apartment buildings overlooking the park? We are being told this is such a great development…but for whom? Would the current homeowners or Shelby Farms Conservancy really benefit from this rezoning? We don’t think so.
Our communities’ saving grace is that the undeveloped property is currently zoned for single family dwellings with a minimum lot size of 8,000 sq ft, not apartments, mixed use or otherwise.
Say “No” to “Parkside at Shelby Farms," and say “No” to rezoning!