Pave Sycolin Road NOW!
Despite unanimous support from the Board of Supervisors and a 6-1 resolution from the Leesburg Town Council, VDOT is refusing to pave Sycolin Road between Leesburg Airport and Belmont Ridge Road (Rt. 659) in Ashburn. Only .7 of a mile of Sycolin is gravel -- causing flat tires and about 50 accidents. It is an important reliever route for Route 7 and the Dulles Greenway, where tolls are going to skyrocket. More than 2,600 cars use the road today -- an 80% increase in ONE year. But VDOT won\'t pave it in place, choosing instead to wait until 2009. Meanwhile, in late July they paved a gravel portion of Edwards Ferry Road with Loudoun County money! VDOT argues they had "complaints" about Edwards Ferry. So, why don\'t you complain to VDOT about Sycolin Road Please join me in urging VDOT to Pave Sycolin Road NOW! Thanks Ken Reid Leesburg Town Council