Stay at Home Mom's Should get a paycheck. Or open more daycares and lower the costs
Stay at home moms are rare these days due to lack of daycare or quality of childcare. So many parents have no choice but to put there childeren in daycare before the age of 1. To me this os not right. Why are there so many messed up kids who don't know where to turn? Well it is not rocket science. Bonding with a child and parent(s) is crutial. More than we know. Our society gives us no choice in this matter is seems. Not fair. It is to the point where very good people want to have and raise a family but can't. This is taking away from human right. The goverment should put a drastic focus on the youth of today and our generation. Our childeren need so much more giudence and proper parenting, not a daycare worker they may be come attatched to and then what they quit. Childeren need our guidence. This may be an underlining solution to alot of youth problem we turn a blind eye to.