PBS - Keep Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood on Netflix

PBS - It was recently announced that PBS's Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood would go off Netflix's streaming service in July 2016. For years, many parents struggled with finding a quality cartoon with good messaging for their kids. This one show has proven to be just that. Many families, including mine, honestly, stumbled upon this show on accident while trying to find a show that can make us want to come back for our children more the next week or even the next day. We eventually stumbled upon "Daniels Tiger's Neighbord" on Netflix and the rest is self-explanatory ; our kids were hooked. The show had a really in-depth story, an amazing cast with great chemistry, and an amazing fanbase. It changed up the typical formula and made something original and great. In hopes of PBS negotiating with Netflix to keep the show on the streaming service, I decided to make this petition so the show can go on to continue it's rich story so my family, the fans, and new viewers can enjoy a wonderful show.