Public Demand on Behalf of Two Minot Children: Brookelyn Galloway Saylor & Kenneth Addington Jr.
WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICAN ARE DECLARING DEMANDS ON THE BEHALF OF TWO CHILDREN: Brookelyn R. Galloway Saylor and Kenneth R. Addington Saylor. This Peittion will be presented to the Highest Officials and Investigators Involved and will be presented to Kentucky's Kenton County Court Demands are as follows: 1. That the case against their parents be dismissed or granted a new trial by jury or new adjudicatory hearing subject to due process and all ammendments in the Constitution of the United States of America's Bill of Rights. 2.That should the case not be dismissed and new trial or new adjudicatory hearing; that they be held in the correct and proper venue being Boone County Kentucky, not Kenton County Kentucky. No determinations may be met until no 4 3.That the chidlren are to be returned to the full lawful and physical custody of their parents; terms of custody are to be sent into mediation between only the parents. No temporary custodian may take part due to conflict of interest related to current case. 4.That the State and Federal Agencies who have been contacted or that will be refered to these cases with regards to the Social Workers of Kentuckys Cabinet for Health and Family Services DPP, Judge Lisa O. Bushelman of Kenton County, Police, Any Party to have aided in the fraud conspriracy and mailicious false allegations be fully investigate and that these Agencies hold hearings upon them most exponetially. These agencies are not limited to the FBI, OCR in HHS, State Reps, Social and Judicial Review Boards, Ketucky's Cabinet Secretary, Kentucky's Attorney General, Kentucky's ABA, Kentucky's the State of Indiana, all agencies involved in the release of Title IV Funding, Indian Child Welfare. 6. That a restraining order be issued by the State of Kentucky against its CHFS Protection and Permanancy Division Employees on behalf of the children and their family. The only exception being hard evidence showing proof that harm was caused by or intended; beyond unsworn hearsay claims and allegations that have not been recorded. 7.The Children must be allowed to see one another and maintain the legally protected rights to their sibling relationship. 8.That the State of Kentucky either severly reform its CHFS DPP/PPD or remove the Division and rewrite its laws pretaining to so that alleagtions be subject to trial by jury and criminal investigation. 9. The same for the police whom have become involved by their own agency. 10. We want the State of Kentucky to dismiss and drop all charges against the mother that only occured as a result of false allegations and Unserved paperwork. These Demands are being made due to: Clearly Deomonstrated Corruption withing the cases, bias, discrimination, sexism, Judicial Bias, Legal Kidnapping, Fraud, Perjury, Malicious False Allegations, Color of Law Violations, False Arrest, Intimidation, Police Brutatlity, Harrassment, Religous and Martial Status Bias, Improper Removal, Lack of Consistancy, Conspiracy to Rights, Loss of Wages, Bias towards a domestic violence vitem, Failure to Protect; Failure to Adhere to the Laws and Policies and Proceedures; the mother was not allowed an adjudicatory hearing (aka the family court trial) when she was sitting right outside the door waiting and asking to be called for her case the two children have not seen each other in over two months, the son was given to assumed fathers family who had been literally asking for the baby, the new allegations came out less than 24hours of the mother ending her engagement to father who with his family made hearsay allegations and utilized the agency to steal the baby, Duress, Coercion, Unprofessionalism, failure to Document, Malicious Use of an Agency, Audio Recorded proof of Workers admitting the children look and are find, and stating its their 'job to take children away;, failure to obey court orders, failure of court to issue orders, failure to contact childrens possible tribes as set forth in the Indian Child Welfare Act, and etc etc etc. Worst of all, this family, especially the children have been dragged through this.By the actions of the Acting State Agents and Officials in these cases the children have only been subjected to further harm without real due clause. KENTUCKY'S KENTON COUNTY JUDGE AND CHFS AGENTS HAVE MADE ERRONEOUS AND BIASED DECISIONS AGAINST THE BEST INTEREST OF THESE CHILDREN AND FURTHER ACTS OF UNACCEPTAVLE WRONGS. WE THE PEOPLE SAY NO MORE. WE THE PEOPLE WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS FAMILY TO CONTINUOUSLY BE WRONGED BY THE KENTUCKY STATE OFFICIALS OF KENTUCKY AND ARE PETITIONING FOR THE ABOVE SAID DEMANDS.