A Full Investigation into Haringey for Baby P

We have all heard about Baby P. Despite being put on Haringey's Child Protection Register eight months before his death, social workers chose repeatedly to return him to his mother, against the advice of police who had twice arrested her on suspicion of assault. Baby P eventually died on August 3 after eight of his ribs were broken and his spine snapped - injuries apparently missed by a hospital doctor two days before his death. The council's director of children's services, Sharon Shoesmith, said formal written warnings had been given to two social workers and a lawyer. But the £100,000-a-year official said she did not expect to sack anyone, or for any of her officers to resign, adding: 'I certainly won't be resigning.' Haringey's decision to return Baby P to his mother effectively handed the child 'a death sentence', according to Mor Dioum, He said: 'The systematic failure by social services, police and health workers in this case is worse than in the Victoria Climbie tragedy. Haringey cannot be allowed to get away with it.' Haringey ordered its own serious case review into the death by the Local Safeguarding Children Board, whose chairman is Sharon Shoesmith. Mrs Shoesmith said: 'The child was killed by members of his own family. The agencies are not responsible for his death. The very sad fact is that you cannot stop people who are determined. If you disagree with the above statement from Mrs Shoesmith and believe that there still needs to be a full investigation into Haringey Council as to how Baby P was left in this terrible home then please sign this petition now. It may help to uncover the reasons as to why Baby P was allowed to be left in the hands of the people that would take his life... We cannot bring this beautiful boy back, but we can see justice done for this unspeakable crime and to ensure that measures are put into place so that this cannot happen to any other little boy or girl again. I want a full investigation into the death of Baby P, so I am signing now.....