Bring back the Elvis Edition Peanut Butter & Banana Creme Reese's Cups
signers. Add your name now!

signers. Almost there! Add your voice!

introduction of the limited Elvis Edition Peanut Butter and Banana Creme Reese's
cups kept many wanting more. This petition is to show you how many people are
serious about spending their money on what they want because what they want
tastes too good to only have for a limited time. It would be in best interest of
the company to listen to what their consumers want so as to provide more
financial prospect and happy customers!
recently contacted me and wrote the following:
always a chance you’ll get to enjoy this perfect combination again as we do on
occasion bring back limited editions. A lot of factors go into making these
decisions, including the feedback we get from our fans. We’re glad to hear it
was a fan favorite, and we’ll be sure to add your vote for its return! Have a
great day!
we get 1,000 signatures this will be forwarded to the Reese's company.