Pedestrian passage under the railroad crossing in Sylvan Heights

Sylvan Heights is a West Nashville neighborhood with very limited access to its surroundings due to the fact that it is encircled by railroad tracks. The only connection that exists between our neighborhood and West End - Sylvan Park area is through a tunnel under the railroad crossing on 37th avenue. The tunnel is old, narrow and in the middle of a very sharp double curve. It is the only pathway for our neighborhood to reach shops, restaurants and areas for safe walking/biking. We are asking the Metro Nashville to build a parallel pedestrian passage under this tunnel or another similar solution. This would safely allow children to walk to school and for runners, walkers and bicyclists to enter and exit the neighborhood with ease. Our changing demographics is attracting more and more active young people with children who would like to fully participate in their neighborhood. Environment concern has promoted the increase of bicycling and walking as means of transportation to the West End- Vanderbilt area. Undersigned are in support of this request from our local government. We look forward to actively participating in a solution that will strengthen our neighborhood. Thank you for your time, Sylvan Heights Neighborhood Association