People Against Corporate Influence on Politics

We, the undersigned individuals, stand with the millions of people in America that do not wish to have businesses influence politics in the United States by bullying politicians with their collective wealth; wealth gained by selling products and services to undersigned individuals.
As your customers, we enjoy the products and services you provide. We work many hours per week to be able to purchase your products and services. We do not, however, approve of your using the money that that you obtained from us to alter politics. In doing so, you are sure to go against at the political opinion of at least half of your customers and employees.
Politics in the United States should be decided by the American people as a whole, not corporations or individuals with large sums of money. If corporate executives wish to change the political climate in the United States, we suggest they vote like the rest of us. Businesses should sell products and services and leave politics to the voting booth.
In addition, we call for journalists to report with integrity. Please return to giving FACTS on BOTH sides of the story and let us arrive at our own individual conclusions. Given all the facts, we are intelligent enough to make our own decisions.
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