People for SAFE & Fair Edmond School District Boundaries- Northeast Edmond
If you live east of Coltrane and some just close to Coltrane, you could be affected by the Edmond Public Schools (EPS) boundary realignment. It has come to our attention that those of us living east of Coltrane/ & ALL those who attend Centennial Elementary could be sent to Central Middle School and Edmond Memorial High School beginning next year. If you are concerned about SAFETY with added driving distance/traffic, the future of your children’s education with lower graded schools, declining property values related to lower school grades and uprooting your children from their current friends, then sign this petition and email it out to everyone you know that could be affected. One unified voice will help our efforts! If you are able and willing to help voice concerns please come to one of the two EPS meetings Thursday, Feb. 11 or Thursday, Feb. 18. The open meetings will be held from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the EPS district’s Administrative Center located at 1001 W. Danforth Edmond, OK.
Donations are NOT necessary and go to ipetitions not the EPS realignment issue. We are NOT collecting funds for our cause! Thank you for your help spreading this petition!!