We The People of Kauai County Declare a State of Emergency by Ordinance via Initiative Power
Aunty Pono 0

We The People of Kauai County Declare a State of Emergency by Ordinance via Initiative Power

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PPA - Peoples Pono Alliance, Kauai,
Invites you to sign this Petition

A Declaration of Emergency by Ordinance via Initiative Power

Stress on Kauai’s Environment and its People has reached Crisis/Emergency Levels contrary to the:

“The Aloha Spirit Law”


1.The Poisoning of Kauai, of its air, its eco and marine systems, its aina / land, its residents, its visitors, its economy, and all additional plant and animal life on Kauai, which is resulting in dis-ease and death, preventing a healthy sustainability.
2.The immoral and illegal behavior of those who represent financial interests that value money over life itself, that are devoid of basic respect for human decency, and for nature and who have dictated the future of Kauai / Hawaii far too long.

Solution: Action…05/13/13
We, the Peoples Pono Alliance, Kauai,
Of the People, By the People, For the People

Do hereby declare Kauai Island in a State of Emergency

According to Kauai County Charter, ARTICLE XVIII, Civil Defence Agency, Section 18.02: When the peace, life, property, health or safety of the community are endangered, a State of Emergency can be declared by the People, if the Mayor / Council has failed to take action.As of May 13, 2013, the Kauai Mayor and the Kauai County Council have failed to pay attention, wake up and or take action to define and regulate conduct which is detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare or peace. These detriments, which are interfering with present and future whole health and quality of life for Kauai.By using Initiative Power, the voters may pass this attached Short Form Bill for an Act to create an Emergency Ordinance describing the Action Steps to be taken, to correct stated issues and bring Kauai Island into PONO supporting a Healthy Kauai for generations to come.
About Initiative Power:
Since 1982, voters have been able to propose and adopt ordinances through initiative power. This power, however, does not extend to any ordinance authorizing or repealing the levy of taxes, the appropriation of money, the issuance of bonds, the salaries of county employees or officers, or any matter governed by collective bargaining contracts. Any proposed ordinance approved by the majority of voters voting on the matter shall be adopted, and becomes effective 10 days after certification of the results of the election, or at the time and under the conditions specified in the ordinance. An ordinance adopted by initiative power is not subject to a veto by the Mayor. (Sec. 3-401.2 RCH)

General Statute 153A-121:
Provides the legislative authority for counties’ general ordinance-making power. It states that counties may pass ordinances to define and regulate conduct which is detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare or peace.

A Short Form Bill

For an Act to Create an:

Emergency Ordinance via Initiative Power

Be it enacted by the People of Kauai:
We do hereby take initiative to collectively bring Kauai to Health and Pono, for generations to come.

This Ordinance shall be adopted and will become effective 10 days after it is approved by the majority of voters.

Detrimental Conduct:
Relating to: Activity which is contrary to The Aloha Spirit Law. (Sec 5-7.5) including: 1. Immoral and illegal behavior of those who represent financial interests that value money over life itself, that are devoid of basic respect for human decency, and for nature and who have dictated the future of Kauai/Hawaii far too long leading to the dis-ease on Kauai.
2.Toxification of Kauai, its Air, its Eco and Marine Systems, its Aina/Land, its Residents, its Visitors, its plant and animal life, etc.

Severity of Detrimental Conduct on Kauai today:
Island wide inefficient management practices, Illness and Low County Moral
1. Lack of PONO & Value Driven Governance of Kauai County - Contrary to “The Aloha Spirit Law” http://www.atchawaii.com/LocalInfo/alohaspirit.html
2. Toxicidity / Poison / Pollution… ALL LIFE - Human, Animal / Land / Water / Ocean etc.
a. AIR - Chemtrail Poison in our air, soil, water
b. OCEAN- http://thegardenisland.com/news/opinion/mailbag/letters-for-monday-may/article_8decf61c-bb87-11e2-9d9d-001a4bcf887a.html
c. GMO untested chemicals in our soil, air, water http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/04/pesticides-gmo-monsanto-roundup-resistance_n_1936598.html
d. Without a vote of the People: Kauai County became a member of ICLEI in 2012
(a non-governmental entity under UN Agenda 21) See...Kauai Office of Economic Development 2012 Budget Presentation for 2013: Go to page 2-11-13 read under sustainability:
About ICLEI To be Repealed) http://www.postsustainabilityinstitute.org/uploads/4/4/6/6/4466371/iclei.flyer.new.county.pdf

[Purpose] To define implement and regulate solutions which is/are presently detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare or peace, now and for generations to come.

a. [Means] Implement Best Practices
b. [Organization] PPA’s Kauai Risk Management Committee
c. [Powers & Duties] 1. This Committee, will create a VOLUNTEER RISK MANAGEMENT Committee of Professionals, for the purpose of conducting a 90 day co-operative audit/troubleshooting of Kauai’s existing operations, plans, administrations, health and status of ecosystems, values in the government. 2. This Committee will create a needs assessment project list. 3. This Committee will present the needs assessment list to the people through public media in order to inform, educate , recruit additional volunteers. 4. These Committees will then conduct a 90 day research into innovative, high quality, safe and cost effective solutions. 5. These solutions will then be reported to the public via public media and provide opportunity to volunteer and participate in the implementation of these plans.


Peoples Pono Alliance, Kauai


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