Support Afghan journalist Pervez Kambaksh
This is a petition set up by Web 2.0 bloggers and their readers. While what we Web 2.0 bloggers do is also important - after all, Web 2.0 is changing our societies - it doesn\'t hurt anybody to realize what some of our fellow writers go through every day. Think of Pervez Kambaksh, the 23-year old Afghan journalist whose sentenced to death for blasphemy. BBC reports that the upper house of the Afghan parliament has supported this sentence. Kambaksh allegedly downloaded and distributed an article insulting Islam. He has denied the charge. Kambaksh, who studies at Balkh University and writes for small newspaper Jahan-e Naw (New World), is a colleague of all writers, including bloggers. To support this man, sign this petition. Let the Afghan government know that we oppose to this threat to the freedom of speech. On February 28th it will be send to the General Consulate of Afghanistan in The Netherlands.