Save the Land at Windsor and D!
To the City of Petaluma and Sonoma County Regional Parks,
There are certain places in Petaluma that are so beautiful in their natural state and so environmentally sensitive that they should not come under the bulldozer.
The old Scott Ranch at D Street and Windsor on the west side, with its red barn, Kelly Creek, rolling hills with grazing cows, and abundant wildlife, is one of those places.
The proposal by Davidon Homes of Walnut Creek to build 63 luxury homes on this land should be rejected.
The community has been fighting this project for 13 years and has prevailed so far. This may be the final stage.
As the Environmental Impact Report you are now reviewing should recognize, there are many severe impacts, from worsening our traffic to destruction of our California red-legged frog’s critical habitat, that justify saying NO to Davidon.
We call upon you to find a way to preserve this land as an extension of Helen Putnam County Park instead, for the public’s enjoyment and for future generations.
We believe that the $1 million now held by Sonoma Land Trust for the purpose of the park extension is a good start. With your firm resolve as government officials and the generosity of our community, we can turn a potential disaster into a great resource for all of us.This petition will be delivered to the City of Petaluma and Sonoma County Regional Parks.
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notification purposes of Petalumans for Responsible Planning.
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