This Must Never Happen Again!
The cumulative effect of poor discipline - stemming from inadequate availability for teachers of appropriate disciplinary rights - in the UK school system is not only inextricably linked with the sharp increase over the last 20 years in teacher absence through "work-related stress" but has also escalated into a serious threat to the health of teachers and students alike. We the undersigned, deplore the circumstances that brought about the terrible event involving Peter Harvey and pupils at All Saints School, Mansfield. We strongly urge the Government to take action against the lack of discipline in our schools. We demand:- # A 'ZERO tolerance' approach to verbal abuse from students # A 'ZERO tolerance' approach to intimidation or threatening or violent behaviour from students # ENFORCED sanctions against bad behaviour from pupils. # An alternative provision for pupils who cannot or will not behave appropriately. We invite the introduction of deterring disciplinary measures, and suggest that public consultation revisit the issue of disciplinary protocol in schools as a matter of urgency, for the protection of teachers AND students.