Petition Against CRRA Culling the Deer
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed
just now
Adam B. signed
just now
Homeowners, CRRA has intention of allowing archers to hunt the deer mid-Sept to mid-Jan. If you agree that this shouldn't happen, please sign this petition (your information will not be used in any other way), and I will present it to the board.
Please put your lot number in the comments box before you hit the "sign" petition button ex:BF123
You DON'T have to put in a valid email...just use if you prefer.
Also, (VERY IMPORTANT) deselect the check box stating you "want to be informed about other petitions" or else you will get emails. This is directly above the "sign" petition button.
Thanks, Karen Corbin