Petition for the Development of Professor Rahimi as an Educator

The number of us failing in Professor Kobra Rahimi's MATH 1205 class is concerning to say the least.
With so many of my peers doing poorly, it is evident that this issue does not lie solely with the students. While Professor Rahimi has shown her knowledge over the subject matter, she has failed in promoting our own knowledge. She has done so by lacking to do things including, but not limited to:
- appropriately addressing many of the questions asked in class,
- being available as well as receptive outside of class,
- and organizing the class in a way that is both engaging and informative.
Generally, in the past, students have turned to learning solely from their textbook when faced with an ineffective professor. Unfortunately, many of my peers feel that the textbook required in Professor Rahimi's MATH 1205 class is confusing, unclear, and difficult to study from.
With that being said, even though our best chances at passing Professor Rahimi's class lie in tutoring sessions, I feel that it is imperative for the success of her future students for Professor Rahimi to receive training towards the development of her as an educator.
I urge all students, failing or otherwise, to sign this petition in order to improve the student learning experience of Professor Rahimi's MATH 1205 class.