Petition for Brother Grady J Smith
I have been recently made aware that our Masonic Brother Grady J Smith, has been charged with horrendous accusations and slanders all based upon rumors. A Brother Master Mason is taught not to defame another Brother Mason and to come to his aid and relief if and when he is in need. The opposite has been done here with our Brother Grady. The Grand Lodge of Texas should disqualify these rumored and anonymous accusations and cease the pursuit of any Masonic Trial involving Brother Smith. Brother Smith has been a true and devoted Mason and has promoted our fraternity with great success. Brother Smith holds a Masonic Resume that is lengthy and involved holding many positions within the Blue Lodge, Shrine, Scottish and York Rite bodies of Masonry. Many of you receiving this petition are Masons and Shriners because you met Grady, he is one of the few Masons in our fraternity that can positively convey what we represent and our purpose.
-If you believe that Brother Grady Smith should be free of any further anguish and any charges or pending charges dismissed.
-If you believe that Brother Smith is a good Mason and should remain a Mason.
I ask that you make your voice known and add your name to this petition and feel free to add any comments that I might have missed