Petition for Equal Rights for People with Disabilities.
The people with disabilities have rights like everyone else, right to live adescent life, choose how they live and where they live. The disability Acts were meant to stop discrimination and include us in society, why is the HSE cutting front services for people with disabilities without even consultations? This is very unfair. Please sign this Petition to save our right to a descent life and inclusion in society. We should be able to make choices concerning our own lives. We the people with disabilities need the government to stop being insensitive to the quality of our lives. Quality of life should be more important than money. Quality services to the Public is what the HSE is all about, isn't it? The cuts affect our lives, when some people decide when we go to the bathroom, eat, sleep, get up, where is the independence and choice in this? Please support our cry for help, sign the Petition and pass it on to all your friends. Mossie Forde - Co. Meath, Ireland