1. Petition Statement.
This is a petition ("Petition") to request a Special Membership Meeting ("Meeting") to be called by the Board of Directors per Section 4 (b)(3) ("Section 4") of the By-Laws of Unity of Delray Beach, Inc. ("Corporation") for the purposes set forth herein.
This Petition is brought by an active member of the Corporation, whose signature appears below, and states that this Petition contains no less than ten percent (10%) of the signatures of all of the active members of the Corporation requesting that this Meeting be called.
2. Purposes.
The purposes for requesting the Meeting are as follows:
a) Per Article X of the By-Laws of the Corporation, the members shall have an opportunity to discuss and, if agreed by vote, amend the By-Laws as proposed herein;
b) Discuss, review and determine the status of Cathy Norman as Minister of the Corporation, whether that be a temporary full-time position or an extended full-time position, including, but not limited to, the possible override of any Board of Directors' decisions in this matter;
c) Vote on the removal or retention of the current Board of Directors;
d) Nominate and elect new Board of Directors as necessary;
3. By-Laws to Review, Discuss and Possibly Amend.
The following By-Laws shall be considered for amendment at the Meeting. (Additions are in italics and deletions are bracketed by < >.)
Section 1.02 (a) Leadership. The Corporation shall have as its leader ("Minister"), whether temporary or an extended position, an ordained or licensed Unity minister, a licensed Unity teacher, or a person serving under special dispensation approved by the Board of Directors and/or the Membership.
Section 4.02 (a) Action Taken at Meeting. Anyone desiring membership in the Corporation shall file an <A>application for membership with the Church office. The application shall first be reviewed and approved by the Minister and then it shall be presented to the Board of Directors at its next properly noticed regular or special meeting. Upon a majority affirmative vote of the Directors present and voting, the applicant shall become an active member and shall be notified accordingly by the Minister. All staff ministers and licensed teachers are considered members of the Corporation.
Section 4.04 (b) Elect members to the Board of Directors as specified in the slate of nominees as presented by the Nominating Committee or by nominations received from any active member at any member meeting.
Section 4.04 (c) Ratify and affirm the ByLaws of the Corporation or any amendments thereto recommended and presented by the Board of Directors or any active member at any member meeting and in accordance with Article X of these ByLaws.
Section 4.04 (i) Any active member shall have the right, during normal business office hours of the Church, to have access to and be able to review in the Church office only, all of the Board of Director and Member meeting minutes.
Section 4.05 (b)(3) An active member submitting a petition having signed by ten percent (10%) of the membership; a written request must be submitted to with the Board or to the Minister who shall, within ten (10) days of the receipt thereof <a reasonable amount length of time>, call a meeting on behalf of the requesting party.
Section 5.03 (b)(19) Keep accurate, written minutes of all Board of Director meetings.
Section 5.03 (d) Termination of Employment of Minister. After the Corporation and its Minister have successfully completed a mediation or binding arbitration process, a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors and two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by the members in attendance at a member called meeting is required to terminate the employment of the Minister.
Section 5.04 (d) Election. The Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall present the slate of qualified candidates who shall be elected by a majority of those members present and voting. Notwithstanding anything stated herein in Section 5 of the ByLaws, new Board of Director candidates may also be nominated at any duly called membership meeting by any active member present of the Corporation. Said member nominated Board of Director shall hold all of the qualifications as set forth in Section 5.04 (a) of the ByLaws.
Section 5.07 (c)(1) Keep, or cause to be kept, an accurate record of the minutes of all <b>Board and membership meetings; an updated copy of the minutes shall be kept at all times in the Church office available for review by an active member of the Corporation.
Section 7.02 (b) Dissolution of the Corporation may only take place upon the recommendation by a majority of the Board of Directors and the three-quarter (3/4) majority vote of not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the then active members of the Corporation or as stated by the laws or decided by the courts of the United States or the State of Florida otherwise .
4. Requesting Member Petitioner.
By: _________________________ Dated: September 22, 2017
Name: Hope DeLong
Active Member Petition Statement and Signatures.
Each and every active member of the Corporation, whose signature appears below, hereby acknowledges that he/she has read the Petition Requesting a Special Membership Meeting of Unity of Delray Beach, Inc., signed by Hope DeLong and dated September 22, 2017, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, including the purposes for requesting the Meeting to be called by the Board of Directors, in its entirety and agrees with the request to the Board of Directors to call this Meeting.
NOTE: Section 4.03 (b) defines a member as inactive and ineligible to vote:
(1) Upon moving over 100 miles from the Church.
(2) Upon absence from the Church for one year and upon notification by the
Corporation of a change in membership status.