Petition of ALR Exclusion - 3250 264th Street, Aldergrove - Application ID#: 53333
Planning Department
20338 – 65th Avenue
Langley, BC V2Y 3J1
To Whom It May Concern:
We are writing in response to the Notice of Exclusion Application proposal regarding the Agriculture Land Reserve at the property which is legally described as:
Parcel identifier: 009-240-535, Lot A Except: Firstly: the
North 169.4 Feet; Secondly: The Easterly 33 Feet; Thirdly: Part
Subdivided By Plan 85653; Section 30 Township 13, New
Westminster District Plan 10121 (43.99 acres), and located at
3250 – 264 Street, Aldergrove, BC V2W 2X3
In 2010 Dunton Group Investments Inc. applied to exclude this property and was denied by township. We appreciated your support then and hope to have the same support now. Our concerns stated below have not changed in the last seven years and will not in the future.
Agriculture is a critical industry and contributes greatly to our economy. Chapter 36, Section 6 of the Agricultural Land Commission Act (S.B.C 2002) states:
The following are the purposes of the commission:
- To preserve agricultural land;
- To encourage farming on agricultural land in collaboration with other communities of interest;
- To encourage local governments, first nations, the government and its agents to enable and accommodate farm use of agricultural land and uses compatible with agriculture in their plans, bylaws and policies.
This property falls under this act and should be used strictly for farming purposes. We need to preserve the diminishing amount of farm land that is left and utilize it accordingly.
Another concern is the preservation of Bertrand Creek. Construction within such a close vicinity of the Creek would cause many issues including;
- Contamination/pollution, which is an existing area of concern. To allow more construction so close would elevate this problem;
- Many smaller nutrient streams run into the creek and construction would cut these channels off.
Other concerns include the relocation of wildlife in the area, increased crime (which continues to be an ongoing problem) and changes to the surrounding environment would disrupt privacy and jeopardize day to day living for the existing residents.
There was a 40 year development plan of the downtown core introduced a few years ago which would increase density and population. This should be the immediate focus for future developments in Aldergrove, not diminishing precious agricultural land reserves. This property is NOT a part of the official Aldergrove Community plan.
Attached are the names, contact information and signatures of residents who are opposed to this application. Before making any decisions on approving this application, please take into consideration what our future would be like if agriculture were eliminated.