Petition to Allow Chickens in Sheridan, Oregon

To Whom It May Concern,
Chickens have been animal companions of humans for thousands of years. When allowed to range in the yard, they are very entertaining and they provide more benefits to us than cats or dogs. They provide outstanding pest control, eating ticks, slugs, mosquitoes and many other insects. And they produce eggs that are much more nutritious than those you can buy at the supermarket.
Backyard chickens will generally get far more humane care than those raised in filthy, crowded “factory farms.” Industrial production is creating numerous problems, including pollution from manure, antibiotic resistance and higher risk of a more dangerous strain of bird flu. Keeping a few chickens at home is one way we can each do our part to address these problems.
Please allow hens within the city limits of Sheridan Oregon. Limit their numbers, and require clean, humane care. We do not believe there is a legitimate reason for any city to prohibit keeping a few chickens, any more than there is reason to ban the keeping of dogs or cats.
(Residents of Sheridan, Oregon only please. We will present this petition to the Sheridan City Council.)