Petition to Fix the Roadway Alongside Mina Al Arab
مقترحات لتطوير شارع (11) في منطقة ميناء العرب
petition summary and backgroundThe main road (E11/Shaykh Mohammed Bin Salem Road) adjacent to Mina Al Arab starting from the E311 (Shaykh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road) en-route to Al Jazira Al Hamra is dangerous and needs to be updated. The risk of accidents is very high every day and especially so at night. The deadliest aspect of the road in its current condition is cars are travelling at high speeds while others are doing u-turns and pulling out right in front of them. Police records of fatal accidents and others will back-up this claim.
The specific ways that this road is overly dangerous in its current state are as follows:
- The U-turn for travelers wishing to travel northbound from Mina Al Arab backs up during rush-hours, and often times overflows into the main highway.
- Having only two lanes means that high speed traffic in the fast lane can create collisions with the people doing u-turns at up to the maximum speed of 120km/h (if doing legal speed).
- There is a very little shoulder and many pedestrians use the shoulder to travel between Al Hamra and Mina.
- There is nowhere for pedestrians to cross to the other side safely
Countless residents have complained about this in the past and many of us have witnessed horrific accidents ourselves, however, nothing has been done to fix this situation as of yet. Simply put, this is unacceptable and we therefore urge the local authorities to address this issue meaningfully and right away to improve the safety of the community for everyone.
الشارع رقم 11 الواصل بين رأس الخيمة و الجزيرة الحمراء حيث يقع عليه مداخل و مخارج ميناء العرب ليس آمنا و خاصة أثناء الليل عند منافذ الدوران و ملفات الشرطة مليئة بملفات الحوادث المميتة لراكبي العربات و للمارة.
أسباب الخطورة لهذا الشارع في حالته الراهنة:
- المنفذ الوحيد قبالة ميناء العرب الذي يسمح بالإنعطاف للتوجه إلى رأس الخيمة مزدحم جدا أثناء توجه الموظفين إلى أعمالهم صباحا و أثناء عودتهم مساءأ.
- الشارع فقط بمسربين مما أدى للكثير من الحوادث خاصة للمسرعين عند 120 كم/ الساعة.
- الشارع ليس مزودا بمسرب آمان على الجوانب.
- الشارع ليس مزودا بممر أو بجسر للمشاة.
للأسباب أعلاه نشيد بالسلطات المسؤولة إتخاذ الإجراءات المناسبة لحماية المواطنين.
action petitioned forWe, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who call on our leaders to act now in:
adding roundabout(s) at Mina Al Arab gates 1 & 2, respectively, and in front of Al Aswaq Al Jazeera Branch (where there was just a fatatility at the end of July 2022) to the aforementioned road with crosswalks.
adding 1 lane, both northbound and southbound, as well as a bike path and pedestrian sidewalk.
adding at least one pedestrian overpass along the road.
The best example in Ras Al Khaimah of how this road should look when completed is Al Khuzam Rd.
نقترح الإجراءات التالية:
- إضافة دوار عند البوابة (1) و عند البوابة (2).
- إضافة مسرب إضافي ثالث لشارع (11).
- إضافة ممر أرضى و جسر للمشاة.
مثال جيد للحل هو التحديثات الآمنة على شارع خزام.