Petition to Government Of India to honor Tarek Fatah with a civilian award posthumously.

Honorable and most respected Prime Minister Modi ji and members of the PMO,
Namaskar, from the Kashmiri Hindus of the maple land Canada ( Kashmiri Hindu Overseas Association Of Canada, KHOAC)
As the world known Canada-based Pakistani origin author, journalist, and activist Sh.Tarek Fatah left his mortal cage and merged with Parmatma recently after prolonged illness. Tarek Fatah's death is a loss to all of humanity. People like Tarek Fatah are the torch bearers of humanity, a seer, philosopher, writer, journalist, activist, and freedom fighter all rolled in one! Souls like him lead and lift mankind out of darkness and towards the light. He was a true Sanatani, "Dharti ka Lal" and loved Mother India as his own.
Though he was born in Pakistan, he called himself "An Indian born in Pakistan". He persistently spoke against terrorism exported across the border which has plagued India for decades and threaten the peace and stability in the country. He always raised his voice against the rise of extremism in religious thought in India and throughout the world.
Time and again, he spoke in support of oppressed and the weak, especially Kashmiri Hindus on whom radical forces in Kashmir committed genocide, were forced to leave their homeland and become refugees in their own country. Tarek Fatah stood for the freedom of Baluchistan and expressed his views making no bones about the atrocities on the people of Baluchistan by the Pakistani government.
Sh. Fatah supported LGBTQ rights, separation of religion and state, opposed Sharia law & advocated liberal, progressive & inclusive Islam. He was a vocal critic of the Pakistani religious and political establishment and always criticized the partition of India.
This petition is to urge the Indian government to honor Tarek Fatah with the civilian award posthumously for his work and activism in the area of world politics and journalism.