To Hon'ble PM of India and CM of Gujarat for building India's first Quantum Tech. Park, Greater Karnavati Quantum Computing Technology Park
Greetings !!
We all know importance of Quantum Computing and Quantum Technologies. It is going to revolutionize our lives, businesses, and governance. India need to take lead in developing various quantum technologies. For this we need to promote our deep tech startups and other tech firms working in Quantum Technologies for creating innovative solutions based on futuristic technologies like Quantum.
For this we need to create a dedicated Quantum Tech. ecosystem and hub in India.
Keeping this future requirements in mind we at Innogress proposed setting up India's first Quantum Computing Technology Park, Greater Karnavati Quantum Computing Technology Park (GKQCTP) at Gujarat.
At GKQCTP we intend to create $1B+ worth Quantum Tech. ecosystem at Gujarat, India, and to generate over thousands of employments and businesses for the state of Gujarat.
With this objective, we submitted our Quantum Tech. Park project proposal to Govt. of Gujarat during the Vibrant Gujarat vide Vibrant Gujarat 2024 investment intent token number 665649.
We had several rounds of discussions with concerned officials of the Gujarat Govt. and Vibrant Gujarat team since last 1+ years. Verbally Gujarat Govt. officials gave full assurance for supporting and facilitating this GKQCTP project through best incentives and policy supports. However we need an MOU signed with Govt. of Gujarat for facilitating us in creating this first Quantum Tech. Park , GKQCTP at Gujarat. We were expecting this MOU signing during ongoing Vibrant Gujarat 2024 summit, however same has not been yet done by the Govt. of Gujarat.
There may be some reasons for this delay, which may be on investors angle, or may be due to not proper understanding on criticality of the proposed project or may be due to a startup type status of the proposed project and its promoter.
But we are confident that such strategic and high capex project can be delivered through Govt., investors and Tech. partners support, and the state Govt. should give us all possible support such that we could raise required project capex from the investors and utilize the same for project execution.
As investors seeks some kind of support documentation from the state Govt. to get assured on suitable policy support before investing their money, hence documents like Govt. MOU becomes key for building investors and other stake holders confidence.
Hence this petition is to get support of Quantum Tech. Scientist, Researchers , Deep Tech. Professionals and Deep Tech. firms and investors and other stake holder to appeal to Hon'ble PM of India and CM of state of Gujarat for supporting and facilitating this strategic project GKQCTP, such that the proposed first Quantum Tech. park of India gets build up at Gujarat.
I request you to sign this petition on-line and also to forward this petition in your contacts for getting wider circulation, such that we would be in position to convince Govt. of India and state Govt. of Gujarat on importance to have a Quantum Tech. Park, GKQCTP in India in order to create a vibrant ecosystem of Quantum Computing and Quantum Tech. in India and to keep India ahead in futuristic technologies like Quantum, such that we shall start getting proper facilitations from the various Govt. departments for executing our proposed project GKQCTP.
I shall be thankful to you for this support by signing this petition.
Thanking you.
Best Regards
Sumant Parimal
Founding Partner , Innogress Ventures and Lead Promoter of ‘Greater Karnavati Quantum Computing Technology Park’ (GKQCTP) ,
Mob. +91-9810188654