Include priesthood in the upcoming study on the role of women in the Catholic Church
Father Anne 0

Include priesthood in the upcoming study on the role of women in the Catholic Church

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Calls for the ordination of women as priests came from all around the world through the Synod on Synodality. The Church cannot credibly claim that this issue is closed when for decades even bishops have not been in universal communion on the teaching of an all-male priesthood.

One of the ten working groups recently created by Pope Francis as part of the Synod is assigned to study "the role of women in the Church.” However, priesthood has been intentionally excluded from their work. This does a great disservice to the Church because it is clear that the issue of priesthood for women is open for discernment. The only way to discover God’s invitation to the Church is to enter into the question with freedom, curiosity, and love.

This working group will present its plan for study on the role of women in the Church to Synod representatives in October in Rome. The time is now to speak up in the synod to help make God’s dream of flourishing for all women everywhere a reality.

By signing this petition, I urge the Catholic Church to include priesthood in the upcoming study on the role of women in the Church.


El llamado a la ordenación Sacerdotal de las mujeres nos llega de todas partes del mundo ; a travez de Sínodo sobres Sinonalidad. La Iglesia no puede afirmar de manera creíble que este tema este cerrado. Cuando durante décadas ni siquiera los obispos han estado en comunión universal sobre la enseñanza de un sacerdocio exclusivamente masculino.

Uno de los diez grupos de trabajo creados recientemente por el Papa Francisco en el marco del Sínodo está asignado a estudiar "el papel de la mujer en la Iglesia". Sin embargo, el sacerdocio ha sido excluido intencionalmente de su trabajo. Esto perjudica enormemente a la Iglesia porque está claro que la cuestión del sacerdocio de las mujeres está abierta al discernimiento. La única manera de descubrir la invitación de Dios a la Iglesia es entrar a la misma con Libertad, Curiosidad, y Amor.

Este grupo de trabajo presentará su plan de estudio sobre el papel de la mujer en la Iglesia a los representantes del Sínodo en octubre en Roma. Ahora es el momento de hablar en el sínodo para ayudar a hacer realidad el sueño de Dios de florecer para todas las mujeres en todo el mundo.


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