Petition to keep Shannon McGregor as Cheerleading Coach in Fredericktown Ohio School System
There have been two parents that have spoken out saying that Shannon McGregor is a bully. This has hindered her opportunities to pursue a job at Fredericktown Schools as a Cheerleading Coach. The school board did not approve Shannon to work in the Fredericktown School system as of yet. However, they did not disapprove of her being a Cheer Coach at Danville Schools, which is in the same county.
I am not posting this to bash any of the individuals involved with the school board or the Fredericktown administration, who support her. I am only trying to garner community support for my sister.
This petition serves as a legal affidavit to affirm that Shannon McGregor is a
willing and qualified individual to maintain an environment conducive to leading
youths in a cheerleading program.
She has held two cheer coaching positions, one in Danville and one in Utica
(licking county). She is also employed with Americheer, a foundation/industry
that works nationwide to house and facilitate cheerleading and schools. She has
provided council to many youths in the cheerleading community outside of a
work/professional environment on her own free time.
As her younger brother, I can attest to Shannon's caring and compassionate
nature. I have seen Shannon volunteer many hours to her fellow athletes through
cheer coaching, band boosting, and programs in the Fredericktown baseball
athletic community.
Shannon is a compassionate and capable human being that deserves to be treated
as such and given a chance to lead these students in cheering and athletic