Petition to keep the IMDB messageboards going

Dear mr Col Needham, although we understand that there is a lot of people that can't deal with trolls and the like the fact remain that none of us are forced to post on the messageboards, we do so out of own will.
It is a great way for us to speak in detail about movies in a way that we can't in any other outlet with similar minded peoples. And other topics as well.
The beauty of analyzing film and getting a deeper understanding of them by coming together and bringing up ideas of what a story is REALLY about in a movie that very few people have seen perhaps none in our social circles. Or perhaps finding friends that you otherwise would have no interaction with. Or just recommend obscure independent films that no one has heard about because it wasn't funded by a major company that could afford advertising.
So while we acknowledge that there are negatives with the boards the positives way outweighs the negatives.
So please let us keep our IMDB.