Petition to Business Owners Of Mike’s Market/ El Camino

August 1, 2017
To: Business Owners Of Mike’s Market/ El Camino Plaza
Eugene Louie
Sue J. Louie
Diane Yip
495 Spinnaker Way
Sacramento, California 95831
We, the community of neighbors that reside near El Camino Plaza/Mike's Market, humbly request your participation as we all work towards building a better environment for our Neighborhood. As the business owners of the above-mentioned property, we cannot move forward towards our goal without your assistance with some issues.
1. Please consent to allow and post “No Trespassing/Private Property/No overnight parking” signs to be posted in the parking lots. Without appropriate signage, all calls and reports sent to Sacramento County for vehicles to be removed are ignored because, "It is private property and nothing can be done without owners’ consent." Your agreeance to post the proper signage will alleviate this issue.
2. Please make appropriate repairs to the El Camino Plaza signage. Lighting is broken/ burned out.
3. Please, please, lease or rent the vacant store/Mike's Market. It has been empty for more than 3 years. Our neighbors would be so appreciative for a good business to move in and revive this corner.
-Frequently, the parking lot of Mike's Market is a magnet for transients to park their vehicles and set up camp. This leads to health and safety issues as they leave behind human waste, trash and rubbish. Not to mention the safety issue it creates for our neighbors.
-Business signage that is not in working order is a county code violation. Please make the appropriate repairs to the El Camino Plaza sign to ensure that all lighting is operational.
-Studies have shown that Vacant Retail space leads to decreased property values and blight. Our neighbors are in agreeance that the lease/rental of Mikes Market could greatly improve the transient problem as well as bring more profits to you as the owner. As well as a provide a local business we could all frequent. It would be a win-win for all involved.
We sincerely hope you are agreeable to our requests to improve the neighborhood by being a responsible business owner.
Neighbors of El Camino Plaza/Mike’s Market.