Petition to Remove Teacher
TO: Mr. Hill and Ms. Duarte Date: May, 2012
We, the parents and students of Imagine Foundations Public Charter School, 14111 Oak Grove Road Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20774 do herby support this petition. Complaints and parental discussions have been observed and held throughout the year regarding the experiences that students have had while in the classroom or company of Mr. Seneque. In our opinion, he does not live nor demonstrate Imagine’s shared values of Integrity, Justice and Fun. His behavior during this school year has been unacceptable and unprofessional, to say the least. He has shown a lack of respect for the students and parents, as well as a lack of enthusiasm in the classroom when students are not performing as he desires them to. This type of behavior causes huge embarrassment among the students and it creates a negative learning environment. Mr. Seneque is deficient in areas of his communication with parents and students, language usuage with students, caring attitude, teaching techniques and skills, diversity and most importantly a desire to make a difference in the lives of the students, our children.
Many parents and students are very dissatisfied with Mr. Seneque’s ineffective teaching, as well as his lack of ability and willingness to reach the students where they are. Knowing that Imagine was founded on the principles of Six Measures of Excellence, it is obvious that teachers can positively or negatively impact three of those measures, which are Academic Achievement, Character Development and Shared Values. In this past school year, unfortunately, Mr. Seneque has not done well or been a good example in those areas. For those reasons and more that are not listed here, we request that the Imagine Administration ensure that our students not be subject to an experience for 2012-2013 school year and thereafter, by not allowing Mr. Seneque to teach at or be a part of the staff of Imagine Foundations I or any other Imagine School.
Mr. Seneque is not suitable for our children or the atmosphere here at Imagine. He is not effective in his current position and the parents and children have lost respect for him. We would like to request the removal of Mr. Seneque from the staff of Imagine Foundations I, effective at the end of the 2011-2012 school year. We would like him replaced with a more qualified, caring, effective and respected person. With a new, respected teacher, we think more of the student body will be more engaged and will work more diligently. The signatures of parents and students listed below represent those that are in agreement with this petition.