Petition to remove the permanent ban of the player known as Firewalker/Ice shatter a.k.a. Eric Riddle

This is a petition for the removal of the permanent banning of the player Firewalker/Iceshatter aka Eric Riddle from the larp known as Amtgard.
After being brought before a local Althing on charges of gross negligence on part of an officer and looking over the evidence, the populace decided the act was accidental, not malicious. Eric wholeheartedly apologized for the grievance. Proceeded then repeatedly to offer to make amends where-ever possible in addition to repairing the problem.
Despite this decision, the other local officers then brought it to the attention of the kingdom, stating that the matter should be dealt at the kingdom level, proceeded to contact local law-enforcement and attempt to press charges. With an open investigation with law-enforcement; the kingdom followed through with the local officers request. Enacting a ban.
This caused Eric to sit in limbo, away from the game, for many months. At which time, several citizens began speaking to the kingdom officers about the fairness and problems with the proceedings, prompting the ban to be removed. Then, not two weeks later; the band was reinstated digitally on the kingom Facebook forums, while the majority of players were away at a kingdom level event. The sole reason expressed to the populace for this decision, citing the violation of an article of the code of conduct, was the original offense.
It is the firm belief of this petition , and all who sign it; that in the past 2 years the player, Eric Riddle, has more than paid for his non-malicious grievance against our game. That continuing to uphold such a ban puts strain on the populace's belief of a fair, just, and transparent mediation buy those we vote into office.
With enough signatures we have been assured a successful outcome. Thank you for your time.