Our Lady of the Snows school recently completed an 11,500 sq ft expansion which also removed a large fenced play area. The school now is concerned about the safety of their students when crossing Lander Street (even though they block the street off during recess and school hours). The school is asking the City of Reno for an abandonment of Lander Street between Walker and Monroe (they want the city to give them the street). This would eliminate a total of 51 much needed parking spaces servicing the Plumas Soccer Field, Our Lady of Snows School and Church and breaks up a major street that runs from California Avenue to Plumb Lane. This neighborhood, which is already over- run with traffic and has a shortage of parking spaces, will be severely impacted. In a City of Reno staff report dated December 14, 2011, staff recommended denial of the abandonment request. The complete report, Item F.3, can be accessed at: I am asking the Reno City Council to deny the request to abandonment Lander Street. Please help us preserve our historic neighborhood and protect our quality of life.