Petition to Subsidize Treatment & Other Healthcare costs of Connective Tissue Diseases in Kenya
We, the undersigned and The Connective Tissue Diseases Association, Kenya, petition the government to subsidize treatment and other healthcare costs for connective tissue diseases.
People living with connective tissue disorders like Lupus, Arthritis, Scleroderma, fibromyalgia just but to name a few, have been suffering in silence long enough. There are more patients with connective tissue disorders than those living with cancer, HIV, Diabetes all combined but we do not get the same coverage in the media as we should and need to help boost public awareness of these life threatening diseases.
Connective tissues disorders are crippling diseases that debilitate its sufferers; they are autoimmune diseases where our antibodies attack our bodies and our organs. These diseases are complex and poorly understood conditions that affects many parts of the body and causes symptoms which can be life-threatening.
There is currently no cure for these conditions, but there are different medications that can help relieve many of the symptoms and prevent progressive organ damage. With good levels of support from friends, family and healthcare professionals, many people living with these conditions learn to manage their conditions effectively. These sufferers struggle every day with various other ailments/illnesses and the escalating medical bills and tests are very expensive. We would like the government to look at offering free or subsidized prescriptions for these sufferers with immediate effect.
EVERYONE DESERVES TO BE HEARD. By signing this petition YOU are helping us to make this important change. Every signature counts.
Let's make this change together.