Petition to the US Government for Life, Liberty, and Freedom

The United States was founded on the principles of freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These principles are enshrined in our founding documents and form the bedrock of our society. However, over the years, various entities—including government agencies, corporations, and other organizations—have sought to undermine these principles, imposing restrictions and limitations on the freedoms and liberties of American citizens.
The proposals outlined in this petition—including the abolition of unnecessary and unconstitutional agencies, the conversion of the Department of Veterans Affairs into an insurance branch, the dissolution of three-letter agencies without a charter, making it illegal for any entity to remove freedoms, liberties, and the pursuit of happiness, holding Congress liable for treasonous acts and conspiracies, and creating a new constitutional amendment to ensure congressional accountability—are necessary and long-overdue reforms that would help to restore the principles of limited government, individual liberties, and the rule of law.
By implementing these reforms, we can ensure that all individuals, businesses, and other entities have access to efficient, effective, and sustainable policies and practices that meet their unique needs and preferences. Additionally, the promotion of market-based solutions and the redirection of federal funding to state and local governments would create a system where individuals, businesses, and other entities are held accountable to market forces and consumer preferences, rather than to distant bureaucrats and politicians.
We, the undersigned citizens of the United States of America, do hereby petition our government to take immediate and decisive action to restore the principles of liberty, justice, and the rule of law, and to ensure that the will of the people is upheld. We demand that our government act in accordance with the Constitution and the principles upon which our nation was founded.
In support of the above petition, we, the undersigned citizens of the United States of America, do hereby affix our signatures: