Petition to Uphold the ADS Bylaws and Standards, Protect our Assets and Unite our Community
We, the MAJORITY of the ADS, who voted our current National Officers and Board in office are greatly appreciative and indebted to you and to your families. Your hard work and commitment to CHANGE paid off. Your project is almost complete-PLEASE STAY THE COURSE. We are behind you.
We ask the National office to protect our beloved heritage and history since our First Druze landed in America. We demand the return of the ADS HistoryMuseum to the ADS.
It is a requirement of the ADS bylaws that the Board of Directors protects its culture and history.
We demand a public investigation of the Houston Chapter Board and theNational Board during Firas Hamdan’s theft of Druze money.SHOCKINGLY enough friends got some and victims got none.
It is a requirement of the ADS bylaws that the Board of Directors to protect DRUZE money.
We ask the National Office to take over any local chapters that hide financials, bank statements, Membership lists, and election data.
It is a requirement of honesty to act like true DRUZE.
We request of the National Office to make public the following records, for ALL PREVIOUS ADS TERMS and make it accessible to ADS paid members only:
a. National Board meetings minutes,
b. Annual Business meetings,
c. financials, accountability,
d. local chapters bank statements, and
e.local chapters meetings minutes.
It is a requirement of the ADS bylaws that the Board of Directors make financial information and meeting minutes available to its members.
If you support the ADS, if you pledge to protect and preserve our Druze faith, our culture and our people, take action andsign this petition now. Please forward to all of the Druze community.